Sunday, December 21, 2008

Easy like a Sunday morning...

A day of play today.
One sunny morning + 2 goofballs = a fun-filled morning!
So we did some walking around the neighbourhood.
Which included going through the trails by the house and praying we didn't run into any snakes (and if we did, they were of the non-poisonous variety).
But we were lucky to see just a few bugs.

My Trailblazers.
(Makes me a little sad that sometimes I can not tell who is who from the back).

Then they decided to pose for a few pictures. These poses are courtesy of the genious stylings of Bryn.
(note the Jackie-O look that Ava has perfected)

Then I tried "say Cheese girlies!"...
But I got cheesy instead.

But I managed to catch a few of their spirit.
Bryn the Beautiful.

I even managed to catch a glimpse of Ava's illusive smile! (that is a task in itself!)

1 comment:

Heather said...

What beauties you have :0