Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Meet my daughter, Magnet Girl

Bryn recently introduced me to her new alter-ego...Magnet Girl.

She literally came running at me, threw herself around me and hung on as tight as possible, so she was "stuck" to me...all the while giggling her infamous Bryn-giggle (which I think would solve world peace if everyone had the joy of listening to her big belly laugh- she still has the belly laugh of a 6 month old baby).
I think I spent 2 hours this weekend, trying to free myself from Magnet Girl and her wonderous sticky abaility.
(although secretly, I enjoy any hugs I can get from them lately)

Of course, there is also my other daughter- Cow Girl...but I will save that story for another day!

1 comment:

Heather said...

Look how tall miss Bryn has gotten! And you are looking great:) I too am getting more hugs than usual lately and am eating them up. I think when they go back to school they start to miss you again.