Friday, April 3, 2009

Good Morning surprises!

Bryn, my early bird, wakes much earlier than the rest of us or even earlier than the normal population. Luckily, she's at the age where she can quietly entertain herself without getting into too much trouble. (although I have had to hide the scotch).
But lately, I have been waking to some strange sights.
Usually, I will wake up with a new picture by Bryn next to my head on the pillow:

My absolute new favorite, is waking to Lulu the Wondercat all dolled up with no place to go! I managed to catch her one morning after Bryn had done her best to give Lulu the Wondercat a new look.

All I can say is seriously, Lulu, you need to talk to your stylist, because that's just a little too formal for a Saturday morning! (but you look FABULOUS anyway).

1 comment:

Recessionista Fashionista said...

I swear that Lulu has the same persnickity look on her face too!!