Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Today is a day dedicated to love.
I wasn't sure how to post about all the love I feel for my family, without it becoming a trilogy,
so I am going to make a list of the things I love about them right now.
This minute.
- Every one of my loves are fast asleep, which means the house is quiet and I have this silence all to myself.
- Bryn's awkward smile as her two front "Big teeth" are growing in (and I can see we will need to start saving for braces)
- Ava's desire to read to her brother and try to get him to calm down so he would fall asleep in her bed and they could have a "sleepover"
- Eric's definition of a Dalmation = "Cow Dog"
- Sid's snores. I like the extra presence in the house (despite his slow potty training ways)
- Tom's want to be the "cool Dad". He always wants to go somewhere on a whim with the kids...and although we may have not made it to Colorado tonight, we did make it to "Cherry Berry- the frozen yogurt place"
- My too-cool teenaged brother was extra kind and thoughtful to our Mom...she was grateful, so in turn, I am too
- Ava's need to know "how many days" until anything we do (did you know there are only 314 days until Christmas?).
- Bryn's tender heart. She is truly one of the most compassionate girls I know.
- Eric's desire to "go to cool" (as he fills his leetle backpack with about 20 pounds of HotWheels cars) 
- A hug from my honey. I love how a hug or kiss makes us reconnect.
- Sid's tornado of a tail when he sees the kids in the morning.
- Having a grateful heart.
I love my lovies and all the joy, frustration, chaos and contentment it brings. I look forward to what tomorrow brings, but for today I am so thankful for these little things.
The little things that often get lost in the daily shuffle of life.
Happy Valentine's Day my Loves!

Oh- I also love these Monster Valentine boxes that the girls made.
They make me smile.

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