Monday, January 23, 2012

january 23rd, 2012

January 23rd, 2012.
We are in the middle of winter...
There should be ice, snow, more snow and cold.
But today it was 54 degrees outside.
With sunshine!


Oldman winter must have known my soul needed a little sunshine because I hauled the kids outside to enjoy a few extra minutes.
(and hopefully tucker them out enough to go to bed early-
a re-occuring past-time of mine)
Even though it was really wet from the snow we yesterday, it was such a nice break from the roller coaster of a winter we have had.
It has been abnormally mild.
Usually, I would just smile and enjoy it but somehow I think there is going to be a "catch".
No, Murphy is following me (that Law is always following me), which means we will probably end up with a blizzard and 2 feet of snow during Easter.
But right now, I am enjoying this break of beautiful tempuratures...and I think it may even be worth the spring blizzard trade-off.

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