Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Nothing fancy, just get dancey!

We were blessed with a three day weekend. And we enjoyed it.
No big plans. No grand visits, nor visitors.
Just us.

And I can say with sureness, I enjoyed it.
I am happy being a homebody. I am happy puttering. I am happy laying on the floor with my kids and coloring or doing puzzles or just dancing!

This was the biggest hit with Bryn and Ava this past Christmas...we received the game Just Dance. I highly recommend it anyone with kids.
In fact, I think it would also be a lot of fun with some friends after a few drinks too. (since we all know Jill doesn't hit a dance floor without a shot of something)

The girls will dance their little hearts away for almost hours. So I don't feel too bad letting them play Wii for so long because they are actually moving around and being active. (and mine are mini-tornados)
I have fun watching and sometimes trying my hand at a dance or two...but when you are repeatedly in last place to a couple half pints, it kinda takes your dancey confidence away.

They even use the ottoman as a makeshift stage. And although I haven't caught him on camera yet, Eric makes a mighty fine back up dancer!

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