Monday, December 15, 2008

weekend of lights

Another fun-filled banner weekend at the Bennett house.
I finished up most of my Christmas shopping (and nearly lost a couple limbs in the process with all the last minute craziness).
Of course now, I will spend the next week thinking of last "last minute things" that I absolutely must have!!

Friday marked the day of a special full-moon. Something to do with the moon not being this close again for a 30 year span. I guess I wasn't listening well enough as all I heard Tom say was "blah, blah, cream".
So we went outside and bundled up as it was well below 60 degrees *insert sarcastic snort here*.
The girls played their favorite game "flashlight tag". They pretty much just chase each other with their flashlights and get side tracked by everything around them...quite funny really.

Saturday evening, we decided to go for a quick drive to check out some local Christmas tree lights. Tom decided that we'd drive into St Augustine to check out the light festival, despite the fact that I was not prepared for such a trip (I know, I know, I just HAD to get that in there).
Anywho, it was gorgeous to see ba-zillions of lights along the streets of ba-jillions of people.
We did not actually get out and walk, so excuse the "drive-by" pictures...I just thought these were cool, regardless.

I plan on going to the festival again soon, so Tom and I can walk around, enjoy the scene and comment on how much electricity these people are wasting with all these lights.
We learned that driving downtown on a Saturday night during a busy holiday, was not our greatest idea. So to make up for the girls having to sit endlessly in a traffic jam, we stopped at Dairy Queen for some ice cream (I know- crazy right? Afterall it was under 60 degrees!?)
But ice cream = good things in Jill-World so there really, there is never a bad day for ice cream.

The rest of the weekend was full of our usual family rituals. Ya know, tiaras, tutus, dancing and singing, and that's just Tom! (boy, is he lucky I didn't get my camera out for that one)

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