Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of Pre-K

Awww. Man, here we go again. Today was Bryn's first day of Pre-Kindergarten. She will now be attending school 5 mornings per week. At first I was thrilled that she would go everyday, as she's such a social butterfly and I would get some time with Ava, but then it sunk in that I have to get up and take her everyday. (guess I should have thought that one through a little better).
Already, I can tell that I will be looking forward to each day off school to spend a little more time with Bryn (and not have to get up so early).

Although I am thrilled to pieces that Bryn was eager to go to school, I was slightly broken hearted that she jumped out of the car yelling "Bye Mummy!" with such enthusiasm. She is such an independant little girl already, I wonder if she'll even need me by the time she's 10?

I want her to keep her wide-eyed optimism and desire to learn. I hope we give her all the tools she needs to face those times when people may not be so nice with grace and ease.

I am sure years from now when I am at her wedding, this will be the mental image that will stay with me. My sweet little girl in her braids, with her knee socks and her back pack. Looking so ready to take her ever growing place in this big wide world.

Happy First Day of School Brynnie. You make my heart happy!

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