Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Word association with 4 year olds.

On vacation, we spent a week or so with my best and her family. Andie's daughters are about the same age as my daughters, so we knew it'd be a hootin-nanny of a time. What is so especially cool, is Bryn and Sophia are about the same age as Andie and myself when we met many moons ago.

While sitting around the table, we decide to try some word association for fun.

Me- "Okay girls- what do you think of when I say cake?"
Bryn- "Bake"
Sophia - "Eat it!"

(alright, I am thinking this may be pretty fun)

Me - "Okay, what do you think of when I say Daddy"
Bryn- "Batty"
Sophia- "Eat it!"

Hmmmm...I think I see where this is going...
Me- "what you do think of when I say dog?"
Bryn- "Bog"
Sophia - "Eat it!"

Sophia's Mom interevenes to help with the obvious confusion.

Andie- "Wait Sophia, what do you THINK of when Miss Jill says a word?"

Once again I try.
Me- "What do you think of when I say Bird?"
Bryn- "Mird" (saw that one coming)
Sophia- "Wear it!"

Andie and I look at each other in a fit of giggles. Word association with 4 year old was not our best idea.

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