Friday, July 18, 2008


I am "surviving" my Survivor challenge at the Y. This week the remaining players were divided into 3 tribes. I was among the Bosu Tribe or Team A, but I like to think of us as "The A Team".
So not only do I have the pressure of doing well on my challenges, but now I can let a team of 9 other players down. Nine other players that could probably kick my A$$ I might add.
The challenges are getting tougher too. This week we had a lovely little challenge called "Suicide Cones". The name pretty much sums it up. We run back and forth between a cone and the walls of the studio...I am now wondering if the point was to run into a wall as I almost did, but then they would've called it comicozi cones, right?
Anywho, we run like mad for 60 seconds. No problem, I thought, who can't do that for 60 seconds? Well, apparently me. By the last 10 seconds I was ready to drop from fatigue and was pretty sure my legs were about to fall off. Crap.
Well, at least I got a few points for my team. (and I won't even talk about the Cup Stack challenge...arg)
Tomorrow they will post which team gets voted off and who makes the next round of challenges. And, although I really want to continue on, I am worried the next challange will be something like "The Don't Die" challenge.
But, you can bet your bippy, that I will be there first thing in the morning to see if I will be able to survive another week.

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